The Honors Program allows International Studies majors to engage in research leading to the completion of an honors thesis. The topic for the honors thesis is selected by the student, in consultation with a faculty advisor, and should reflect a theme consistent with the student's module in the International Studies major. The Honors Program is open to all junior and senior International Studies majors with an overall GPA of 3.0 and a 3.5 GPA in the major. Successful completion of a written senior thesis in the International Studies 190 course satisfies the upper-division writing breadth requirement.
IS students gain invaluable knowledge and skills through fulfilling the international experience requirement. This requirement can be fulfilled in several ways: study abroad, UCDC (during the summer or academic year), Global Connect or approved local internships.
The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) in the Division of Undergraduate Education encourages and facilitates research and creative activities by undergraduates from all schools and academic disciplines at UCI. Research opportunities are available not only from every discipline, interdisciplinary program, and school, but also from many outside agencies, including national laboratories, industrial partners, and other universities. UROP offers assistance to students and faculty through all phases of the research process, whether it is with proposal writing, developing research plans through project management skills, awarding grants to fund research projects, scholarly journal writing through The UCI Undergraduate Research Journal, or presenting results of the research or creative project through the UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium. This experience provides students with the necessary skills to succeed in their future careers. Conducting research and creative activities should be an integral component of the education undergraduates receive at UCI, regardless of their career choice.
UC Irvine’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program offers undergraduate and master’s diversity students an opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors on research projects and provides an intense course of graduate preparation workshops. SURF is designed for students who plan to pursue a Ph.D. or M.F.A. degree and enter academic careers, provides the tools needed to facilitate application, admission, and enrollment to graduate school. The SURF program is open to virtually all academic fields at UC Irvine. Qualified students with interest in pursuing their graduate program at UC Irvine are especially encouraged to apply.
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